Monday, October 21, 2019

ASD Basketball

Offense on the clipboard

Offensive options

Offense Animated

Breaking the press clipboard 

Breaking the press animation

Click on Dates for location

Go here for

Power of the Chase Down Drill

Highlights from 11/24/19
(Thank you Rich Hardt)

Pro Examples of our offense

Highlights from 11/30/19
(Thank you Rich Hardt)

Visualization Techniques

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A shot in the $$@

We are living in an interesting time. There are now words in the American vocabulary like “Enron”, “Tyco”, “Performance Enhancement drug”, “Bernie Madoff” and the list goes on and on. It makes me wonder if anything is real anymore. You see a guy or girl driving a beautiful car and you wonder was that obtained from corporate buy out money that left stock holders losing their life’s savings. If you see someone with a terrific physique was that the result of chemical enhancement. It makes me wonder.

I can recall the old Smith Barney commercials. They would say “We earn our money the old fashion way… we earn it.” Are we earning our results anymore? Or the question: Are top people earning their results? I’m ranting because I am disturbed by this recent occurrence with A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez) coming out and admitting he used steroids. I honestly believe that his account of what happened is a quagmire of truth, half-truth and bold face lies. And I believe that it is a sign of the times. The attitude is cheat and it only matters if you get caught. don’t worry about who you mow over that is their problem for playing straight. Bernie Madoff STOLE $50 BILLION and continues to live in ‘Penthouse’ arrest only because he was an ambitious and accomplished thief while those he robbed are wondering how they can recover from financial devastation. I could go on.

However, I want to make this point. Whether it is financial gain, fitness, weight loss, relationships whatever wouldn’t you agree it is better to go one step at a time and build strength and character at the same time. There is no real short cut. There are effective processes. There are effective programs, but there are no real short cuts to long term result. I say be in it to win for the long run.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oprah Embarrassed

An embarrassed Oprah Winfrey says she's "fallen off the wagon" of healthy living and has ballooned to 200 pounds. In January's "O" magazine, Winfrey, 54, details her recent struggles with an out-of-balance thyroid and how the condition made her develop "a fear of working out."
She says she's gained 40 pounds since 2006, when she weighed 160.
"I look at my thinner self and think, 'How did I let this happen again?'" the talk-show queen says in the article provided early to The Associated Press by Harpo Productions.
"I'm embarrassed," she says. "I'm mad at myself."
Winfrey told AP last week that she has yet to choose a gown for President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural ball next month.
She should consider

Most people can't afford the luxury of private chefs and trainers.
Oprah obviously can. However, I remember when she had her trainer, Bob Greene on a year or so ago. She stated that she was training her herself and would not need his help. He looked her right in the eye and said something like "What happened to you. You are going to need some help." She bashedly look back and said,"I am considering working with you again." Imagine the most powerful woman in show business, a Billionaire looking bashful on her own show. Weight issues can do it to you.

You don't have to be Oprah to get the assistance you need. Boot Camps are a fun and very inexpensive way to start launching yourself toward your goal. Stop thinking about it and start being about it. Make 2009 your year to shine. (hey that rhymes.)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Take your clothes off now

I’m not sure if this is going to either appall you or disappoint you. I WANT YOU TO TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! I don’t want to see you naked. The call to take your clothes off now is a call to action to “take your clothes off your exercise equipment.”

This came to mind when I came home and saw that my wife put her work outfits on my iron gym. The iron gym is a nice piece of home exercise equipment. (This is one of the few that I recommend.) Check the video. In lieu of her protest, “You’re not using it right now!” I decided to let her clothes stay up there…. for now.

This brought to mind the many hundreds of people I have worked with over the years. Just about all of them own some type of exercise equipment. Whether it is a simple set of dumbbells, a fit band, a Solo flex or the stupid Suzanne Summers thigh thingy, they own something. Well, answer me this: Why do some many pieces of exercise equipment hold clothes so nicely? Are they designed that way?

I bought the iron gym with the intention of performing pull-ups and chin-ups. I do use it. I love it. What a great unit for only $30. Unfortunately, the love of my life wants to turn it into a clothes hanger. I know we’ll work it out. My iron Gym won’t succumb to an ill-fated fashion function destiny. However, I want to wish the same for you or someone you know and care about.

If you have some home exercise equipment go to your basement, home gym, spare room and take the clothes off of it today… right now. If this is not you, then reach out to someone you know and tell them to “Take your clothes off now!”

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Obama Workout

Here is a scene of Barack Obama walking out of the gym two days after being elected the future president of the United States of America. The guy becomes arguably the most powerful man on the planet and he still heads for the gym. Doesn’t it seem like he should either still be celebrating or working 24/7. Instead he continues with his regimen of consistent exercise. Having accomplished many intellectual pursuits in his life, it seems as though Obama is demonstrating even greater intellectual prowess by continuing his practice of vigorous exercise. The recently released documentary entitle The Brain Fitness Program states that exercise is one of the best habits one can acquire if the desired outcome is increased thinking capacity.

I have personally worked with a great number of professionals, business leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors and attorneys etc. These are very intelligent people. They almost instinctively understand the importance of exercise because it helps them think more clearly.

This documentary gets right down to the science of the matter and proves this is true. It seems as though exercise helps to keep blood flowing throughout the entire body and that consistent and progressive flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain helps keep it functioning at tip-top condition.

Therefore, the old adage of strong body, strong mind is not some empty platitude, but a living breathing truth that holds the keys to a sharper and highly functioning mind. So it doesn’t matter what your preference is. The true key is to get out there and move your body. You don’t have to play pick up basketball like Obama does, but to get the brain fitness results you have to get out they and do something physical.

Now that you see the President elect is doing it you can relinquish your excuse for not having time. Yes, it does take time to get dressed, travel, train, shower, get dressed again and travel again. However, the benefits so far outweigh the efforts that I know you will find it worth your time.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Antonio Update

I am writing this as I sit here in the hospital after spending another night next to baby Antonio. He has been sleeping for about 14 hours. I didn’t see him awake for more than 45 minutes yesterday. The doctors say that he won’t be going home Sunday, probably Monday.

It looks like the worst has come and gone. He will be in need of continued home treatment so I know my schedule will have to adjust in order accommodate him. My wife and I will gladly do all we can. We are incredibly grateful for all the prayers, thoughts and wishes for Antonio’s recovery. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I learned such a tremendous lesson being here in the hospital. When Antonio was taken out of Intensive Care we were placed in a room with another baby about three months younger than him. She is an itty-bitty thing. It didn’t take long to see that no one was there for here. In contrast, my little guy has someone with him 24/7. The nurses come in to dress her, they hold her, they pass her around and they talk to her. However, no family shows up.

A nurse who came in to give Antonio his treatment said to me “What a shame. She has no family.” I replied, “Really. I haven’t seen anyone here for her.” “Yes she was in a foster home and she was abused. I don’t see how anyone could do that.” “Oh that’s what the all bandages are for. Wow. How could someone do that?”

I glanced over at the little baby girl. Her name is Tina. As I walked over to say “hello”, she covered her face with her forearm as if to guard herself. When I looked at her closer I could see the wounds through her bandages. I could see that she had been burned on her hands, thighs and torso.

When Antonio was on the doctor’s table struggling to breathe I prayed over him and asked God, “Please take care of my son and I promise I will do something in return in your name.” The diagnosis was Bronchiolitis. They still don’t know what caused it, but they know his condition was serious. Had we not acted when we did his system would have eventually gotten tired and he would have not have been able to continue breathing. As scary as this was still grateful because our boy is with us.

I know this blog is supposed to be about exercise, health and good living, but there are bigger things than reps and sets. I believe that I have a new mission. I don’t know exactly what I am to do, but I do know I am to do something. When I reached out to my network, I got no less that one hundred responses of good wishes. Little Tina has no one. My family and my son are truly blessed. I am convinced that my little monster is out of the woods. He has a support system. He will be fine. He came home last night and my wife and I will rearrange our lives to get him back to 100%. However, I have been touched by Tina and other children like her. I know I must do something.

Once again, to all you who have taken time from their busy holiday schedules to think about my family I repeat: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My Boy my Passion

There is little more that can get your passion going than your children.
My son Antonio can spark emotions in me that laid dormant for all
my adult life. No one who knows me would question that I am a passionate
guy. However, when it comes to that little boy it is just something else.

Well on Thanksgiving morning we had to take him to the hospital
and he was admitted to the intensive care unit. I pride myself on being
under control for the most part and even a bit of a tough guy.

I survived a cardiac scare 20 years ago, a pipe to the head at 12 years old and
motorcycle wreck. However, when the doctor told me my little guy was going to ICU
I cried like a baby. I stay with him all night and let me wife go home to rest.

He was breathing at only 33% capacity and you could see his little body retracting,
working for every tiny breathe of air. I don't think I have prayed so much. The had
to stick him 5 times before they found a vein they cold use. This morning he is a bit
better. He was being treated all night long.

When something happens to your business or career your family means everything.
When something happens to your family your business or career means nothing.

I am thankful to my family friends and clients for there prayers and understanding
I believe my little monster will be OK. God Bless.